Electric Eye Custom Tattoos
Aftercare Instructions
Regular Bandages
Remove bandage after three hours. Wash well with a soapy wet paper towel then dab dry. Rub FRAGRANCE FREE LOTION completely into your tattoo at least three times a day. No tanning, swimming, or soaking in water for at least two weeks. NEVER PICK OR SCRATCH AT YOUR TATTOO.
Derm Shield/Second Skin
Remove bandage after 48 hours (you may shower in your bandage until then). To remove bandage get in a warm shower and with water running over it, gently begin to peel from top to bottom. Wash well and then dab dry. Rub FRAGRANCE FREE LOTION completely into your tattoo at least three times a day. No tanning, swimming, or soaking in water for at least two weeks. NEVER PICK OR SCRATCH AT YOUR TATTOO.
•What should I use to heal my tattoo with?
We recommend using fragrance free body lotion ONLY such as: Aveeno, Dove, Curel, and Cetaphil
•Why not Aquaphor/A+D?
Ointments like Aquaphor create a sticky barrier on the skin that trap bad bacteria and attract debris like pet hair and lint. It also makes it hard for your new tattoo to breathe which can hinder healing and cause ink fallout. Body lotion is thinner and is designed to completely absorb into/moisturize the skin. This makes it a better candidate for healing a tattoo.
•Can I still shower with my new tattoo?
Yes! Taking short showers is absolutely ok for your tattoo. However, it is NOT recommended that you take a bath or spend an extended amount of time in water. This includes things like swimming, hot tubs, etc.
•How long will it take for my tattoo to heal?
Anywhere from two weeks to a month or two.
•When can I start applying sunscreen to my tattoo?
It is safe to apply sunscreen once the tattooed area has completely healed and stopped peeling. Be sure to limit sun exposure as prolonged exposure causes fading, especially in colors like yellow.
•How can I tell if I’m allergic to the Derm Shield/Second Skin?
An adhesive allergy will result in redness and the affected skin being hot to the touch. If you’re experiencing these symptoms remove the bandage regardless of amount of time passed and begin aftercare as normal.
•My Derm Shield/Second Skin is leaking fluid. What should I do?
If you notice any fluid leaking from your bandage this means the seal has been broken and is contaminated. Remove the bandage regardless of amount of time passed and begin aftercare as normal.
•Can I rewrap my tattoo with bandages/saran wrap/etc. for ________ reason?
It’s never a good idea to rewrap. While your tattoo is healing it needs to be able to breathe. If you need to cover your tattoo for any reason use clothing (long sleeves, long pants, etc.) that won’t be abrasive.
•Is healing a color tattoo different than other tattoos?
Color tattoos may be scabbier and take a little longer to heal than your other tattoos simply because the skin has sustained more trauma, but otherwise they’re no different than any other tattoo!